All Posts By

Sarah Hodges

How To Deal with a Narcissist at Work

This is the second article in our series on Narcissism. If you haven’t already read our first article, we recommend checking it out here. Here's How to Deal with a Narcissist at Work. If you think you’re dealing with a narcissist at work, you first need to determine whether or not they are, in fact, a narcissist. Unfortunately, Narcissistic Personality Disorder can only be diagnosed by a mental health professional. Still, there are specific indicators you can look for that will help you[...]

How to Spot a Narcissist at Work

Narcissists are real. The term “narcissist” has lost meaning in recent years due to overuse and an inaccurate understanding of the true definition of a “narcissist.” We overly weaponized the term, rendering it ineffective when describing narcissistic behavior. Now it’s no more than a synonym for “jerk” or “ass hole,” eliciting eye rolls.Unfortunately, this dangerous tendency to throw around the label of “narcissist” without fully understanding the definition creates an atm[...]

How to Deliver Bad News to Your Staff

Delivering Bad News

Written By Sarah Hodges “We’re changing our benefits plan next year, and I need to know how to deliver the news to our staff,” said an executive coaching client in a recent session. The delivery of bad news is a common topic that comes up whenever I’m coaching a leader who sees the value in an engaged culture.  They know that sometimes they have to make hard decisions for the good of the organization as a whole, but they also want to protect employee morale. “How should I tell t[...]

5 Quick Tips to Manage Stress and Uncertainty

Managing Stress

Written By Sarah Hodges Have you ever noticed that in times of stress, you make unusual mistakes?  You may repeatedly misplace your phone, lock your keys in your car, or forget to put out the trash.  At work, you lose emails, forget appointments, or just feel unmotivated.  When this happens, most people chastise themselves (or each other) for their forgetfulness or laziness. Unfortunately, responding harshly to yourself adds to the overall feeling of stress, leading to[...]

How to Connect With Your Team Remotely

Connecting Remotely

Written By Sarah Hodges Sarah Hodges speaks with David Grasso on BOLD TV How can you connect with your team while under quarantine? Look at it as an opportunity to connect in unique, authentic ways you wouldn't have otherwise on a normal day at the office. Become Your Own Coach! Join 5 Minute Coaching Every week we send 5 minute coaching prompts to help build the tools of effective self-leaders. Let us join you on your conscious leadership evolution.[...]

How Better Self-Care Makes You More Money

Self-Care & More Money

Written By Sarah Hodges As a Founder, if you don’t have your health in check—especially your mental health—staying focused and raising capital for your startup can seem impossible. Putting your health first means taking time to truly rest when you’re sick, getting an annual physical, and taking other measures to make sure you stay healthy and happy so you can be the best leader for your team. It’s tough for everyone in these unprecedented times. Normal day-to-day routines have been sw[...]

How Better Self-Care Makes You A Better Leader

Self-Care & Leadership

Written By Sarah Hodges Neglecting to practice meaningful self-care can affect productivity and the ability to effectively lead a team. Looking to develop stronger leadership skills? Part two of the “Self-Care for Startup Founders” webinar series, hosted by Hodges Coaching and Jumpstart Foundry, addresses ways that startup founders can practice self-care (even with their busy schedules) and how these practices help improve leadership efficiency, boost morale and increase productivity.[...]

Self-Care 101 for Startup Founders

Self-Care 101

Written By Sarah Hodges Self-care is a necessity in the midst of running a business, and startup founders need to understand this more than anyone… Whether you’re a founder or wish to be one, check out Part One of our three-part webinar series, “Self-Care 101 For Startup Founders” hosted by Jumpstart Foundry and Hodges Coaching. At Jumpstart, they don’t just write checks—they’re strategic partners invested in working together long-term to help innovative healthcare compa[...]

The 6 Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Leadership Communication

Leadership Communication

Written By Sarah Hodges The Most Common Leadership ComplaintsAs an Executive Coach, one of the most frustrating and recurring issues my clients face is employee underperformance.     - “Their job is simple.  I don’t know why they can’t just do it,” a leader told me during a recent coaching session.     - “They should be able to complete this task. It’s just not that hard!” said another manager.     - “They keep asking me the same questions over and over again!” co[...]

Five Ways to Spot an Instigator

Spotting Instigators

Written By Sarah Hodges Instigators are lurking in your life right now.  They exist in your family, circle of friends, and in the workplace. They cause problems, and their interactions leave you with less energy - like a vampire who feeds off your positivity and optimism.  Sometimes they’re easy to spot, but many of them wear masks veiled as your support system. You need to unveil these instigators to learn how to manage them in your life. Here are Five Easy Ways to Spot an Instigator #1[...]